City of Portland offers you disability benefit options to provide financial assistance in case you become disabled or unable to work:
- Short-Term Disability is optional and is paid for by the employee.
- Long-Term Disability (LTD) is provided by City of Portland at no cost to you. LTD is automatically included if you choose the MainePERS retirement plan. If you don’t choose the MainePERS plan, then the City pays for LTD for you through UNUM.
Short-term disability (STD) plan
The MMEHT Income Protection Plan is a short-term disability plan that provides income benefits to employees who are unable to work due to a non-job related accident, injury or illness.
Benefit Options
Rate Schedule

Exclusions / Limitations
- Benefits begin on the 1st day of an accident or the 8th day of an illness.
- Benefits are paid regardless of sick leave or other income the employee may receive. Benefits will, however, be offset by the amount of any disability income payments received from the Maine State Retirement system, or under U.S. Social Security, if such payments are made as the result of the same disability that the IPP benefit is covering.
- Benefits are paid on a weekly basis.
- Partial benefits are paid if an employee returns to work for less than the employee’s normal work schedule.
- The maximum benefit an employee may receive is $1,000 per week.
- Benefits will be paid for a maximum of 52 weeks for each separate period of disability.
- No benefits are payable for claims submitted more than 90 days following the onset of total disability.
The MMEHT Income Protection Plan is available to employees of employers who participate in this Plan providing the employee works an average of at least twenty (20) hours per week on a year round basis.
This description is intended only as a summary of the MMEHT Income Protection Plan. All benefits are subject to the terms of the Plan Document.
Coordination of disability benefits
Long-term disability (LTD) plan
The City of Portland LTD plan is available to all who have opted out of the Maine Public Employees Retirement System (MainePERS) and have opted to enroll in ICMA 401 retirement plan in active employment. You mut be working at least 18.75 hours per week, provided your scheduled hours in the City of Portland payroll status records is at least 21 hours per week. This benefit offers financial protection to you when you need it most -- if you become disabled and can no longer work. The plan will also help you return to work, if appropriate.
The amount you receive is based on the amount you earned before your disability began. If you become totally disabled, you will receive 60% of your base salary, up to $5,000 monthly, after you have satisfied the waiting period for benefits. Your benefit amount may be offset by other benefits you are receiving, such as Social Security or workers’ compensation. Your monthly benefits are subject to federal income tax and may be subject to state and local taxes.

Disability insurance resources
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